We Create
to exist

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For centuries, our traditional way of living has enriched culture: from arts and crafts, and food, to environmental science, engineering, fashion, entertainment and more. We present the First Nations Identification.

The bear supports and protects First Nations entrepreneurs and communities in every sphere of economic development, in addition to easily recognizing the authenticity of our products and services.

Our Culture

The bear logo is not just a symbol. It’s a movement that allows us to assert our identity. It’s also protection, a way of being recognized with pride. For non-natives, this will is a simple and concrete way to participate and support the process of reconciliation.

Created by Algonquin artist Frank Polson, the bear logo represents the shared values ​​of courage, respect and protection passed down through generations across our First Nations. The Manifesto is written by Rita Mestokosho and the music is Stadium Pow Wow from The Halluci Nation Feat. Black Bear.

All Together

For too long, women gatherers and entrepreneurs have suffered from issues of cultural appropriation and felt a need for protection. The communities, the elected women and the chiefs of the AFNQL shared the same concerns. The FNQLEDC, an actor in the community, carries this unifying dossier for the benefit of all. Together, we want to galvanize economic development based on the uniqueness of each community through the First Nations Identification.

Be Part Of The Story

Sign up to be part of the first group that will create this movement and also to get updates on how to use this logo for your product or service.

This logo is much more than a brand. It is our identity, guided by the breath of our ancestors, for artists, creators and entrepreneurs of today and for generations to come.

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ID1N Newsletter

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